> How to make a first selection of videos?
- WarmUps/Games
- Large Ensemble

Fingerbeats on fixed pulse
Fingerbeats on fixed pulse.
- WarmUps/Games
- Large Ensemble

Shifting pattern
Shifting pattern with 2 layers in different metre.
- WarmUps/Games
- Small Ensemble
- Large Ensemble

Unison exercise
Unison playing by ear on a leader.
- Small Ensemble
- Free
- WarmUps/Games

Playing backwards
The musicians have to sit backwards. They then receive instructions to develop their reaction. Three deepening levels of development then follow.
- WarmUps/Games
- Small Ensemble

Matching exercise
Matching with a leading player.
- WarmUps/Games
- Large Ensemble

Body warming up
Group warming up by stepping arround.
- WarmUps/Games
- Large Ensemble
- Small Ensemble

Unison exercise (variation)
Unison playing by ear on a leader.
- WarmUps/Games
- Large Ensemble

Shifting pattern (variation)
Shifting pattern with 2 layers in different metre with mixed groups.
- Free
- Small Ensemble
- WarmUps/Games

Patim Patam
Each player has to play an interval that goes to the same note, one ascending and the other descending.
- Extra Musical
- Small Ensemble
- WarmUps/Games

Imitative hands
With two persons, one has to imitate the movement of the other’s hand