Frozen Notes (Exercise in 7 parts)
Introducing the idea of the exercise and presenting the original sequence.
Step 1
Musicians follow the written looped melody in tempo, choosing which notes and in which register to play, and hold them for a chosen amount of time while listening to each other. In the beginning, they must play as few notes as possible, gradually adding more notes and finally playing the whole melody.
Step 2
Retrograded intervals. Playing reversed intervals through.
Step 3
Retrograded intervals with the frozen notes idea.
Step 4
Retrograde (mirror) of the whole melody. Playing retrograded melody through.
Step 5
Retrograde (mirror) of the whole melody using the frozen notes idea.
Step 6
A mix of own choice of frozen notes idea, retrograded intervals and retrograded melody.
Step 7
Excluding the written material, but following the idea of frozen notes (frozen ideas) while improvising freely.